Refund policy

Returns and Refund Policy

Foods and perishable goods cannot be returned. As Happy Mammoth products are considered Food-Based Natural Supplements, they are perishable goods, and we cannot offer a refund or exchanges on any purchases.

We also set world leading quality standards with our products. To keep in compliance with our quality protocols, we cannot allow products to return to our warehouse once they have left.

As you can understand, we cannot control what happens to goods once they leave the warehouse. We have set this policy to ensure you are getting the highest possible standards and to safeguard your health and wellbeing.

Postage Companies:

Happy Mammoth is not liable for any goods lost or damaged by third-party postage carries. 

If your product does not arrive or is damaged in transit, Happy Mammoth can issue a discretionary refund. If Happy Mammoth decides to issue a refund, the credit will be applied to your original mode of payment. However, we are happy to provide you with a full refund under one of our money-back guarantees listed below.

We do not allow returns or refunds for the following reasons:

  • Didn’t like the taste (secondary consideration to its benefits)

We do our best to provide you with high-quality products that taste great, though we understand that deliciousness is subjective, and its perception varies depending on who takes the supplement. However, at the moment we are not able to issue a refund based on the taste of our products and not on results. If you use our products but don’t perceive any changes in your health and well-being, do reach out to us and our support team will see into your matter to issue a discretionary refund.

  • Ordered too much

Unfortunately, you can’t return our products after receiving them. In case you made a mistake and ordered more products than you intended to, contact our customer support team via email at within 48 hours of your purchase, so they can review your case and make a decision accordingly.

  • Were suffering from financial hardship

We understand that financial hardships can occur and that you may not be able to continue with your subscription at the moment. To avoid this situation, it may be better to choose the “one time” option for your preferred product when finishing your purchase. Whenever you find yourself in a better financial situation, you can continue buying our subscription products without issues.

Happy Mammoth’s Guarantee

Happy Mammoth’s also offers a "Down-To-The-Last-Scoop' 100% Risk-Free, 60-Day-Money-Back Guarantee for all its products.

We trust completely in the quality and effectiveness of our supplements when improving your health and wellbeing. That is why we offer a guarantee for 60 days after the purchase date. In case you don’t experience the intended benefits of our products, you can get in touch with our customer service team to discuss a refund.

  • This guarantee applies only to the 1 jar/1 month option. If you purchased a bundle, our guarantee will cover the first month’s supply only.
  • As stated above, our guarantee is based on the success of our products when treating your health conditions. For this, you’ll need to take all dosages of our products as instructed. If you follow instructions, and they still show no results, we will immediately process a refund.
  • Please note that it’s not possible to ask for a refund based on the products' flavour only.
  • If you ask for a refund for products that solve gut problems (like our Absorb L-Glutamine or Complete Gut Repair System), please understand that your diet and lifestyle play a key role in the results obtained. Thus, we can offer a refund only to clients who can show they have taken at least 9 servings of our products and have not ingested alcohol or junk food during this period, as these foods destroy the chances of the product working.

    Once you have requested our guarantee, please note you won’t be able to purchase the same products again in our store.